If you are a medical marijuana patient, CBD oil is currently your best and most legal option in the states that have legalized marijuana. CBD oil can be used to treat anxiety, depression, epilepsy and more.
It is safe for use by children and adults of all ages. This post will tell you everything you need to know about taking this natural medication with detailed instructions on dosage, methods of ingestion, side effects and warnings. It also includes a list of brands with their respective prices as well as links to where these products can be found online or in stores near you.
What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a concentrated extract of the hemp plant. It is made from the flowers, leaves and stalks of the hemp plant and doesn’t contain THC, which makes it safe for use even by those who are sensitive or allergic to marijuana.
This may make it easier to choose a product according to your needs. The thing with Cannabis oil is that the effects can vary depending on how much you take, what method of ingestion you use and your body’s unique reaction to this medication. This means that you should start with a small dosage and increase your intake gradually until you find what works for you.
What is the best way to take CBD oil?

There are several ways in which you can ingest CBD Oil. These are convenient and suited to different situations. Therefore, it’s important to choose the method that works best for you.
Method 1: Capsules and Encapsulated Tinctures
This is probably the most recently widespread form of ingestion, resulting in a fast onset of action (hence for this reason it is often used by those who are on the go). Oils can be ingested orally using capsules or tinctures in tablets, leading to a product that might have a bitter taste or a strong aroma. Ingestion is normally done by placing the capsule or pill under the tongue and allowing it to dissolve.
The oil may be taken in this way as many times as necessary without having to worry about overdosing. The effects from taking this route take a considerably longer period to achieve however as compared to the other methods outlined below.
A person should take a dose that is double the recommended amount, which, in most cases, is equivalent to 2-3 capsules or one or two tinctures depending on how much oil is required. If you are taking CBD for pain relief, you should take 2-3 times these amounts.
Method 2: Vaporization and Topical Application
Vaping CBD is one of the newest methods for ingesting CBD. The oil is vaporized and inhaled to produce a cooling sensation, making it easier to take in smaller amounts. It works well in all situations as an alternative method of ingestion, especially when it comes to inhalation instead of swallowing. All you need is to use a vape pen!
This method is ideal if you are taking CBD for pain relief and are looking for a way to reduce the amount that you are taking in order to achieve an even greater level of pain relief. However, this may not be suitable if you have trouble swallowing or want a quicker effect from your medication.
Method 3: Cannabis Oil Tinctures
This method is similar to the first one in that the oil is placed under the tongue and allowed to be absorbed into the bloodstream. However, the method differs in that it involves a tincture of cannabis oil rather than oil capsules and/or tinctures. Glycerin or MCT can be added to enhance bioavailability.
Method 4: Topical application
This method is best suited to those who want localized pain relief. To achieve this, the product can be used in the form of a cream or lotion and applied directly to the affected area. It can also be mixed with other essential oils and used as a base for massage oils.
The most common way people take CBD oil: The most common way people take CBD oil is via an oral syringe (dropper) that they suck on or spray under their tongue.
Recommended Dosage for Anxiety and Relief From Chronic Pain

A person should start by taking about 0.1mL each day (a single drop of CBD oil) and tracking their progress with a milligram scale. If you’ve never taken CBD oil before, you may need to experiment with different dosages as your body gets used to it.
If you are suffering from anxiety, the recommended dose is 1mg-5mg per day. For pain relief, always start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you find the amount that works best for your condition. Some people may need to start at 0.1mL each day (a single drop of CBD oil).
What if I am allergic to cannabis?
The good news is that CBD oil is made from hemp which contains none of the compounds or THC that produce allergy symptoms in marijuana users. Therefore, it will not cause any allergy symptoms when used as indicated.
However, if you are allergic to hemp pollen, other hemp fibers or herbal ingredients found in CBD, it is best to consult your physician before taking CBD. Are you suffering from any neurological symptoms? If so, and if your doctor hasn’t prescribed anything for your condition, see if CBD oil can help.
What are the side effects of taking CBD oil?
The short answer is not many. The long answer is we’re still learning more about the many different symptoms associated with cannabis use and CBD oil ingestion. But for now, most people report good side effects. It’s not a miracle drug or medicine but it is helpful in many situations.
Some of the minor side effects include dry mouth and/or redness under the eyes, diarrhea and/or vomiting, decreased appetite, changes in weight and changes to your liver function.
Other less common side effects are dizziness, drowsiness, short-term memory problems and trouble with controlling the movement of your body (ataxia). These adverse reactions have been reported but happen very rarely. This is why you should start with a low dosage to see how you react to CBD oil before increasing your intake.
Now that you know how to use CBD oil, by which method do you prefer to use it? Capsules, vaping, tinctures, or topic? I hope you enjoyed your reading!