Some of the early vaporizers were created specifically for the use of cannabis. Starting with desktop vaporizers and progressing to more portable vape devices like a vape pen, there is a wide range of options.
A little practice, much like rolling a joint, is required to get the hang of using a dry herb vaporizer. Fortunately, this instruction will get you up and running. Regardless of whether your goal is to grow cannabis or CBD hemp bud, the rules remain the same.
While we will be concentrating on dry herb vaporizers in this tutorial, there are many more options for smoking herbal concentrates such as vape pens, wax pens, and electric dab rigs that can be as handy and efficient but may emit less odor that are worth mentioning.
What you’ll need to know about vaping marijuana

The following is a comprehensive list of everything you’ll need to get started. Depending on whether you’re using a portable or desktop vaporizer, you may need to purchase a few more accessories that will prove to be quite useful.
Dry herb
First and foremost, you’ll need some high-quality dry herb; if you don’t live in a state that allows recreational or medicinal marijuana, you may get high-CBD cannabis online. It is important that the bud is not too sticky or dry, else it will not vape effectively.
Vast majority of people use vaporizers, which are either portable or desktop in nature. As separate devices created expressly for this function, they are going to be your best bet for getting the job done well.
They are required for conduction vapes, and they are appropriate for the majority of convection vapes. It is always beneficial to have a grinder on hand as a weapon in your arsenal.
The accessories that come with vaporizers are often a cleaning brush and a stir tool, however some vaporizers do not come with either of them. Cotton swabs, pipe cleaners, and high-strength isopropyl alcohol are among the other goods that must be carried.
Instructions on how to operate and store a dry herb vaporizer
Prior to filling your vaporizer, make certain that it is turned off and not hot, otherwise you will waste valuable vapor and may even burn your fingertips. Not to add that it will be much simpler to load while the oven or chamber is not at its maximum temperature.
Cannabis in a variety of forms, including whole, medium, and fine grinds. Fine features components that are smaller in size than rice grains; this is an example of fine.
Step 1: Check to be that your device is fully charged or plugged in before continuing.
Step 2: A fine to medium grind is required for the majority of vaporizers. When it comes to vaping cannabis, certain convection devices may enable you to get away with smoking whole buds, but grinding is typically a good idea, particularly when it comes to conduction vaporizers.
Step 3: Using a little business card or a cannabis scooper, carefully place the dried herb into the oven or herb chamber of your vaporizer to activate it.
Step 4: Press the herb into the surface using a tool or your finger, making the surface as level as possible. A firmer pack is required for conduction vapes in order to increase surface area; nevertheless, it should not be packed in too tightly, since airflow must still be allowed to travel through (think of the difference between a well-packed joint and one that’s too tight). Convection vapes may be packed looser than traditional vapes, but they perform best when the uniformity is consistent.
Step 5: Turn on the gadget and adjust the temperature to your preference.
How to take a drag of cannabis from a vaporizer

It is different to smoke compared to vaping. It might take some getting accustomed to inhaling from a pot vaporizer if you’ve never done so before. Because it feels different in your lungs than smoke, vapor may cause coughing even if it is far colder than smoke. Eventually, you’ll discover the temperature that works best for your preferences.
- When your vape achieves temperature, wait around 30 seconds before taking your first inhale (with portables, this is generally just a minute or two).
- Take a few slow breaths to warm up the vaporizer before using it.
- Fill your lungs with vapor by dragging on the mouthpiece; then exhale through it.
- You may hit it like a roach if the draw is too tight for you. Simply place your lips lightly over the mouthpiece and hit it.
- Keep in mind that most dry herb vaporizers are session vapes, meaning that they shut off after a certain amount of time, similar to a joint, except that you may switch it back on for another round. It’s possible that the bud, which is referred to as already vaped bud or AVB, will have more life remaining after the first session, depending on the heat settings you used during the session.
- Check your herb at the conclusion of your session to see if it still has any color to it. If it does, stir it up a little bit with your stir tool, then pack it back down a little bit and turn the device on for another round of vaporization. It is possible to have extra sessions with your weed if the room is not too gloomy while using a vaporizer.
Cleaning a vaporizer is a simple process.
The optimum time to clean is immediately after your session, and it’s really enjoyable to do it while you’re still experiencing the affects. Making your lifting device part of your routine will ensure that it is always ready and clean when you are ready to be lifted when you need it.
- Make certain that your vaporizer is turned off and not too hot.
- Take the mouthpiece out of your gadget and place it somewhere safe.
- Remove any extra debris from the herb compartment by brushing it away with a soft brush.
- Clean the interior of the chamber with a cotton Q-tip soaked in alcohol until it is completely free of debris.
- Pipe cleaners should be cleaned by running them through the vapor path until they are free of any residue from the alcohol (hold the device up to the light to see if the walls get clean)
- It is critical to keep your gadget clean! It is possible for residue to accumulate, resulting in uneven vaporization. However, do not leave it sit for an extended period of time without cleaning, since it will become much more difficult to clean once that time has passed. A vaporizer that is unclean will not operate effectively.
How to properly sterilize your vaporizer
It is strongly recommended that you complete the following instructions before using your vape device. Some gadgets that have just come off the assembly line may include leftover machine oils that were utilized during the manufacturing process. It has a strange scent and flavor, which might make your encounter less enjoyable. Preventing contamination by thoroughly cleaning a vaporizer before to use is always a good idea.
Carry out a burn-off:
This removes any remaining machine oil by allowing it to run for 3-4 heating cycles with the chamber completely empty.
The vapor channel may be cleaned by passing a pipe cleaner or cotton swab through it before the vapor is allowed to pass into your mouth.
Cleaning the mouthpiece consists of the following steps:
Remove the item, immerse it in alcohol, wipe it off, rinse it, and dry it. Any additional non-electronic elements that are easily removed may be used in the same manner as the electrical pieces.